Women’s Self-Defense Seminar with Dominique Olfsen at Kalah Amsterdam

On January 6th, Kalah Amsterdam had the privilege of hosting Dominique Olfsen, a Kalah instructor from Johannesburg, South Africa, for a unique and impactful women’s self-defense seminar. Dominique’s expertise and experience, particularly as a woman teaching self-defense in one of the world’s most dangerous environments, brought a fresh and powerful perspective to our training hall.

A diverse group attended the event: women experiencing the Kalah Combat System for the first time, Taekwon-Do students from Taekwon-Do School Amsterdam, and Kalah practitioners. The atmosphere was focused, driven by a shared interest in learning practical skills that could make a real difference in personal safety.

The Reality of Self-Defense in South Africa

The seminar began with Dominique painting a vivid picture of life in South Africa, where sexual violence is an ever-present threat. Unlike in The Netherlands, where such incidents feel more distant and abstract, these dangers are part of daily life in South Africa. Dominique’s words set the tone for the session, helping participants understand the urgency and importance of what they were about to learn.

“In South Africa, sexual assault isn’t something you read about in the newspaper—it’s part of daily life.”

Her ability to contextualize the training added depth to the techniques, emphasizing that Kalah is more than just physical movements—it’s a practical response to real-world threats.

What Kalah Training Offers Women

During her introduction, Dominique addressed a term often associated with women’s self-defense: empowerment. She candidly shared her discomfort with the word, explaining how it has been overused and diluted in many contexts.

She emphasized that Kalah training embodies empowerment in its truest sense. It equips individuals with the confidence and practical skills to face real threats. For women in particular, learning Kalah can be life-changing, providing a stronger sense of safety and a noticeable change in their confidence and presence.

Awareness: The Foundation of Self-Defense

One of the key takeaways from Dominique’s teaching was the importance of situational awareness. She introduced a color-coded system—white, yellow, orange, and red—to help classify levels of potential danger and appropriate responses. This approach makes it easier to internalize the mindset needed to stay alert and prepared.

Dominique shared how this awareness becomes a natural part of you through training, even influencing everyday decisions. For example, she applies the concept in her own family, living a lifestyle in South Africa that avoids unnecessary risks, such as excessive displays of luxury. This practical use of awareness underscores how Kalah is not just about techniques but about adopting a mindset that can protect you in all aspects of life.

Key Training Highlights: Ground Defense and Control

The physical training began with a focus on basic Kalah control, a fundamental element of the system. Dominique’s approach to teaching was both precise and deeply insightful, especially for female participants.

“For women, every detail of technique matters even more, as strength alone isn’t an option.”

The session then progressed to ground control—a challenging but essential aspect of self-defense. Participants quickly learned how difficult it can be to maintain control and create opportunities to counter while on the ground. Dominique expertly guided the group through techniques to roll their attacker, regain dominance, and finish effectively.

Behind the Scenes with Dominique Olfsen

After the physical training, Dominique shared more of her personal story. Her journey from Krav Maga to Kalah highlighted her commitment to realistic self-defense and her passion for empowering others through this discipline.

It was a pleasure to meet Dominique’s daughter and her friend from the Netherlands, offering a glimpse into her life beyond Kalah.

Final Thoughts and Free Training Invitation

This seminar served as a powerful reminder of what makes Kalah unique: its focus on real-world applicability, its psychological depth, and its adaptability to the individual. Dominique’s perspective as a female instructor brought valuable insights, not only for the participants but also for fellow instructors observing her approach.

We are grateful to Dominique for her time, expertise, and dedication. Her visit made a meaningful impact on those who attended, and we look forward to the possibility of welcoming her back to Kalah Amsterdam—or reconnecting in South Africa.

Interested in learning more?
Join our free open training sessions held every first Monday of the month at 20:30. It’s the perfect opportunity to experience Kalah for yourself, whether you’re new to self-defense or looking to build on your skills.

💻 Register now: https://www.kalah-amsterdam.nl/try-kalah-for-free/

Let’s keep training, learning, and growing together.

Kalah Amsterdam Team